Look For This Drainage Problem Before You Waterproof Your Crawlspace | Lawn Drainage Tips in Charlotte, NC

Hello, everyone! Kenneth here with Drain My Lawn. Today, I’m diving into a common issue many homeowners face: water intrusion in basements. If you’ve ever dealt with water leaking into your basement, you know it can be a real headache. But before you dive into major repairs, let’s explore a simple fix that might just save you from a lot of hassle and expense.

Identifying the Problem

Recently, I visited a property where water was seeping into the basement through the curtain wall, specifically at a corner of the property. The initial instinct might be to start digging and waterproofing everything in sight. However, sometimes the solution is much simpler.

First things first: If you can pinpoint where the water is coming from, you can often address the issue without a major overhaul. It’s crucial to identify the exact source before considering extensive measures.

Common Culprits: Foliage and Downspouts

When I examined the problem, the first place I checked was the downspout extension and the surrounding foliage. Here’s what I found:

  • Foliage Intrusion: Plants growing too close to the house can be more than just a nuisance. In this case, a plant had grown around the downspout, pushing it out of place. Over time, this caused the downspout extension—a 4-inch single wall corrugated pipe—to detach.

  • Downspout Functionality: With the downspout extension compromised, heavy rain caused water to pool near the foundation. This accumulation created a bowl-shaped depression, trapping water right next to the foundation wall and eventually leading to basement intrusion.

Simple Solutions

Before resorting to digging or extensive waterproofing, consider these straightforward steps:

  1. Remove Plants Near the Foundation: Trim or relocate any plants that are growing close to the house. This helps prevent foliage from interfering with your drainage systems.

  2. Fix Downspout Extensions: Ensure your downspout extensions are correctly installed. Use high-quality materials like the Front Drain Man filter box and a durable 4-inch single wall pipe. These components can effectively direct roof runoff away from the foundation.

By extending the downspout properly, you prevent water from pooling near your foundation, reducing the risk of basement water intrusion.

Final Thoughts

Next time you notice water seeping into your basement, start with these basic checks. Often, simple fixes like adjusting downspout extensions and managing foliage can resolve the issue without the need for extensive waterproofing.


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