How to Check Your Drainage System in the Rain - Charlotte, NC

How to Check Your Drainage System in the Rain

Hey everybody, I'm Nick with Drain My Lawn, and today I want to talk to you about an important topic: checking your drainage system, especially on rainy days like today in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The Importance of Regular Checks

As you can see in the background, that's our remnant pile of French drain pipes that we use for various projects and smaller systems. It's crucial to keep an eye on your drainage system, even if you're a professional like us. Sometimes, even the best-maintained systems can have issues.

Identifying Common Issues

For instance, our downspout got knocked off recently. This might seem like a small issue, but it can cause significant problems for your foundation if left unchecked. Always ensure your downspouts have elbows attached to direct water away from your property. Without an elbow, water can pool around your foundation, leading to potential damage.

Inspecting During Rain

One of the best times to inspect your drainage system is when it's raining. Grab an umbrella and take a walk around your property. Observe where water is pooling. For example, in our driveway, you'll notice some puddling. We have drainage installed underneath, so it doesn't get much worse than this, but it's still essential to monitor.

Check areas like the culverts for your driveway. They might not be active in light rain, but during a heavy storm, they should manage water flow efficiently.

Taking Action

If you notice any issues during your inspection, it's vital to address them promptly. You can either fix them yourself or call professionals like us at Drain My Lawn. We offer a full assessment of your situation and provide solutions to your drainage problems.

Contact Us

If you need assistance, don't hesitate to contact Drain My Lawn at 704-489-3444. We'll ensure your drainage system is in top shape to prevent any potential damage to your property.

Stay dry and have a great day!

By inspecting your drainage system during rainy conditions and addressing any issues, you can protect your property from water damage. If you need expert help, remember that Drain My Lawn is just a call away!


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